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About 4G

BuildingFortunes Affiliate Program
Welcome To My Super Fast and Revolutionary Fourth Generation Network Marketing Strategy.This internet marketing tool will change the internet marketing community forever

Inherit the Power of Sharing To Other People

BuildingFortunes Affiliate Program

4G Step 1

1.Give without expecting anything in return
Power of Giving 
In our usual everyday world of buying and selling, getting and spending, we expect that when we do something right, it will lead to use getting something good for ourselves, and usually fairly soon if not immediately. If we give somebody our money, we get a product or service. If we give someone of our time, energy, and expertise, we get money. If we give of ourselves to do well within our company, we get a promotion. Even very simple things count: if we give a "thank you", we expect to get a "you're welcome" or at least a friendly smile.There is truly nothing wrong with these exchanges. However, we are too much with them. We don't see where those activities have their beginning and their end. We begin carrying those attitudes and expectations over into everything in our lives.The attitude and practice of giving without expecting necessarily to get anything back is not, it needs to be pointed out, some kind of self-sacrifice. This is not a Kamikaze type practice; this is not becoming a monk who lives only for altruism and the suppression of all selfish desires. What it means is, there are some things that are so good to do, that they should be done just for their goodness, for their own sake, or even just for the fact that they give you intense feelings of having done "something right" in and of themselves.

4G step 2
2Guide -them step by step to achieve success
The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.A man has to learn that he cannot command things, but that he can command himself; that he cannot coerce the wills of others, but that he can mold and master his own will: and things serve him who serves Truth; people seek guidance of him who is master of himself.

4G step 3
Grow- our business Fast and Free
3 Ways to Use Duplication to Grow Your BusinessMcDonald's and other highly successful national and international chains, have grown and prospered by creating something that meets the needs of a large segment of the population, and then duplicate it in many different localities. You can use this same concept and mindset, and put duplication to work for you. This article outlines 3 outstanding ways to use duplication to your advantage.
#1 Duplicate your squeeze pages.Duplicate your squeeze pages. Give them variations that make them similar but different. Make them attractive to different market niches. Target different sub-groups, independent, but related, customized niche markets. Become more customized and targeted for your end users and spin different products and profit centers in the process.As you look into duplicating your squeeze pages to target related niche markets, ask yourself these important questions. How can you answer their questions? How can you network with them? How can you make your information available? How can you solve their problems? How can you encourage them? And how can you support their information needs? Their needs are the reason you make money. Their needs are the reason they are looking to you for answers. Being interested in your client's needs is your road to success.That's a customized success formula for duplication that should make you product rich, customer rich (the progression shows that the more formats... the more clients, the more clients... the more money) and monetarily rich. You are providing a way to manage your client's information resources and organize their information access, and maintain a positive client experience.#2 Use search engines to duplicate your efforts.Search engines help your duplication efforts. Like-minded people access similar information through different methods like bulletin boards, forums, message boards and social networking sites. The internet is a net because it applies leverage. It is always working. Make money 24/7/365 by expanding your sphere of influence. The web is a multi-tier system and search engines can spark your efforts with a domino effect. Reach millions of like-minded people by researching similarities and differences in your selection criteria. Then leverage a way to access those prospects.#3 Duplicate your efforts globally.Duplicate your effort through different time zone offerings for different schedules. You are using duplication when you providing information in different languages for different countries. You can even duplicate your efforts when you deliver your content or message through different people. Learn to use other individuals such as a virtual assistant or a virtual salesperson to make contacts and get the word out.For over 25 years Dr. Arnold has been CEO of Windhorse Corp., where he assists the nation's top speakers, coaches, authors, entertainers, business owners and sales executives. He is the author of "How the Top 1% of Speakers and Coaches Do Internet Marketing".Next step

4G step 4
4.  Have a Goodluck or Good fortune-

Luck or fortunity is good fortune which occurs beyond one's control, without regard to one's will,intention, or desired result. There are at least two senses people usually mean when they use the term, the prescriptive sense and the descriptive sense. In the prescriptive sense, luck is thesupernatural and deterministic concept that there are forces (e.g. gods or spirits) which prescribe that certain events occur very much the way the laws of physics will prescribe that certain events occur. It is the prescriptive sense that people mean when they state that they "do not believe in luck". In the descriptive sense, luck is merely a name we give to events after they occur which we find to be fortuitous and perhaps improbable. 

So you’re starting a website that you would like to eventually get conversions for an information product, affiliate ads or even maybe for a business opportunity. You’ve been told that the only way to do that is to generate traffic and grow a list of people who opt-in and subscribe to get information from you. For new internet marketers this can be a daunting task. But let’s think about how the subscriber list has evolved.
The purpose originally was to convince those in your target market to allow you to send them information that they were interested in, allowing you to have them get to know you, thereby trusting the email marketing of products you would promote and develop a community of loyal followers that buy what you recommend. But with the evolution of new social media alternatives, is this stale strategy proving to be a more needlessly difficult and archaic method to accomplish these objectives? I’ll tell you right now that the answer is a resounding YES!…. and I can prove it.

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